Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HTML Special Characters (HTML Symbol Codes)

Symbols Character Code HTML Code Character Entity Name
! ! Exclamation mark
" " " Quotation mark
# # Number sign
% % Percent sign
' ' ' Apostrophe
& & & Ampersand
< < < Less-than
> > > Greater-than
∧ ∧ And
∨ ∨ Or
‹ ‹ Left angle quote
› › Right angle quote
« « « Left double angle quotes
» » » Right double angle quotes
? ? Question mark
@ @ At sign
{ { Opening Brace
| | Vertical Bar
} } Closing Brace
© © © Copyright sign
® ® ® Registered Trade Mark
° ° ° Degree sign
± ± ± Plus-Minus sign
≠ ≠ Not Equal
≈ ≈ Almost sign
≤ ≤ Less or Equal
≥ ≥ Greater or Equal
² ² ² Superscript Two
³ ³ ³ Superscript Three
· · · Middle Dot
¼ ¼ ¼ Fraction One Quarter
½ ½ ½ Fraction One Half
¾ ¾ ¾ Fraction Three Quarters
+ + Plus sign
− − Minus sign
× × × Multiplication sign
÷ ÷ ÷ Division sign
∑ ∑ Sum
√ √ Square Root
∞ ∞ Infinity
∫ ∫ Integral
• • Bullet
℃ Celsius sign
℉ Fahrenheit sign
℠ Service Mark sign
™ ™ Trade Mark sign
← ← Left Arrow
↑ ↑ Upwards Arrow
→ → Right Arrow
↓ ↓ Downwards Arrow
↔ ↔ Left-Right Arrow
⇐ ⇐ Left Double Arrow
⇑ ⇑ Upwards Double Arrow
⇒ ⇒ Right Double Arrow
⇓ ⇓ Downwards Double Arrow
⇔ ⇔ Left-Right Double Arrow
∗ ∗ Asterisk operator
∴ ∴ Therefore
International Currency Symbols Set
Symbols Character Code HTML Code Character Entity Name
$ $ Dollar sign
¢ ¢ ¢ Cent sign
£ £ £ British Pound sign
¥ ¥ ¥ Yen sign
€ € Euro sign
Musical Special HTML Characters
Symbols Character Code HTML Code Character Entity Name
♪ Eighth note
♫ Single bar notes
♭ Flat note
♮ Natural note
♯ Sharp note
Miscellaneous Characters Set
Symbols Character Code HTML Code Character Entity Name
† † Dagger
‡ ‡ Double Dagger
℅ Care of
★ Black Star
☆ White Star
☺ Smiley Face
☻ Black Smiley Face
♀ Female symbol - Venus
♂ Male symbol - Mars
♠ ♠ Black Spade Suit
♣ ♣ Black Club Suit
♥ ♥ Black Heart Suit
♦ ♦ Black Diamond Suit (except Verdana font)


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exlent blog
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Devullu.com | Mohan Publications said...

exlent blog